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TEMSİLİ TASARLAMAK: Mimari Temsilin Deneyimsel Atölye İzdüşümleri

Editörler: Pelin Dursun Çebi, Mustafa Mortaş, Hande Asar

2021, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi ve Mimarlık Eğitimi Derneği ortak yayını, İstanbul.

"Temsili Tasarlamak" etkinliği Doç.Dr. Pelin Dursun Çebi tarafından yürütülen, Hande Asar ve Mustafa Mortaş'ın araştırmacı olarak katkı sağladıkları "Dönüşüm Temsillerindeki 'Anlatı Mimarlığı'nın Mimari Tasarım Stüdyosundaki İzdüşümleri" isimli İTÜ Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi (BAP) araştırma projesi kapsamında organize edildi. Araştırma projesi mimari temsil alanındaki spekülatif üretimlere odaklanmakta, bu temsil hallerinin içerdiği söylemleri, eylemsellikleri söküme uğratmakta ve bu okumalar üzerinden oluşturulan temsil sözlüklerinin mimari tasarım stüdyosundaki uygulama alanlarını sorgulamaktadır. Bu sorgulamaların bir parçası olarak tasarlanan etkinlik ise; mimari temsil çalışmalarının dönüşüm, başkalaşım, oluş, akış, aradalık, fark ve süperpozisyon anlatılarına odaklanılarak anlamlandırılmaları; kişisel, özgün mimari temsil anlatılarının aranması üzerine açımlanıyor. Etkinlik aynı zamanda mimari tasarım stüdyolarının araştırmacı içeriklerine katkıda bulunmak niyetiyle eleştirel ve yaratıcı arayışların ve yaklaşımların izlerini sürüyor. 

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Rethinking, Reinterpreting and Restructuring Composite Cities

Editors: Gülsün Sağlamer, Meltem Aksoy, Fatma Erkök, Nurbin Paker, Pelin Dursun Çebi. 2017, published in partnership with Cambridge Scholars Publishing and MimED, Newcastle upon Tyne.

This book brings together 19 selected papers delivered at the EURAU2014 Istanbul "Composite Cities” Conference, the primary aim of which was to provide a medium in which the complex relationships between urban form and urban experience could be discussed. The conference did this by examining four composite characters of today’s cities: the hybrid city, the morphed city, the fragmented city and the mutated city.

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Project Awards for Architecture Students 2015

Editor: Meltem Baslo, 2016, published in partnership with Chamber of Architects and MimED, Ankara.

The fourteenth of MimED Project Awards for Architecture Students, organized annually by Architecture Education Association, was held in 2015. The awards are given in four categories: “first year”, “second year”, “third year” and “fourth year”. In 2015, 549 projects participated in the competition and the projects that were awarded, were published as a book prepared in partnership with the Chamber of Architects and MimED.

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Project Awards for Architecture Students 2013

Editor: Meltem Baslo, 2014, published in partnership with Chamber of Architects and MimED, Ankara.

The twelfth of MimED Project Awards for Architecture Students, organized annually by Architecture Education Association, was held in 2013. The awards are given in four categories: “first year”, “second year”, “third year” and “fourth year”. In 2013, 284 projects participated in the competition and the projects that were awarded, were published as a book prepared in partnership with the Chamber of Architects and MimED.

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ArchED Forum 4: Flexibility in Architecture

Editors: Beyhan Bolak Hisarligil, Sevgi Lokce and Oktay Turan, 2013, published in partnership with Cambridge Scholars Publishing and MimED, Newcastle upon Tyne.


Today, architecture is still struggling with its scientific foundation in academia and, with questions such as “What is architecture?”, “What is architectural education?”, “How can education meet the quality standards in universities?”, we need to ask, has it been seen as teaching for a long time? Forum IV on Architectural Education with the theme “Flexibility in Architectural Education” should be considered as an activity in which the architectural education platform is cross-examined, new ideas and experiences are shared, and the potentials of “regeneration” are discovered...

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Project Awards for Architecture Students 2011

Editor: Meltem Baslo, 2012, published in partnership with Chamber of Architects and MimED, Ankara.

The tenth of MimED Project Awards for Architecture Students, organized annually by Architecture Education Association, was held in 2011. The awards are given in four categories: “first year”, “second year”, “third year” and “fourth year”. In 2011, 321 projects participated in the competition and the projects that were awarded, were published as a book prepared in partnership with the Chamber of Architects and MimED.


Haliç Design Ports

2011, published in partnership with Istanbul Technical University and MimED.


[...] WHERE in Istanbul? HOW? “WITH WHOM” a “DESIGN SCHOOL” should be designed so that we can bring up creativity to the utmost point. “HALİÇ” was a good focus point for ISTANBUL 2010 European Capital of Culture because one of the most important components of  ISTANBUL 2010 was “WATER” and those living in Istanbul could not sufficiently experience “HALİÇ” despite the rich historical artifacts and the high potential it carried. With this project, we could make a reminder to Istanbul which could not use the waterway communication efficiently, and finally we decided to choose the whole of “HALİÇ” as “SITE”. Thus, we have answered the question of “WHERE”. We started to discuss the design of the ports of Haliç which has many small ports in its history, as “DESIGN PORTS”.

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Project Awards for Architecture Students 2009

Editors: A. Meltem Baslo, Öze Uluengin, Meltem Aksoy, Deniz İlter, 2010, published in partnership with Chamber of Architects and MimED, Ankara; 145 pages.


Aiming to bring together architectural educators and to improve the architectural education in our country, MimED organizes MimED Project Awards for Architecture Students annually, open to all undergraduate students of architecture, registered to the department of architecture, faculty of architecture in Republic of Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The awards are given in four categories: “first year”, “second year”, “third year” and “fourth year”. In 2009, 257 projects participated in the competition and the projects that were awarded, were published as a book prepared in partnership with the Chamber of Architects and MimED. The book also includes visuals of the other projects that were eliminated in a total of four rounds.

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Project Awards for Architecture Students 2007

Editors: Ahu Sökmenoğlu, Onur Sönmez, Sevgi Türkkan, Meltem Aksoy, November 2007, published in partnership with Chamber of Architects and MimED, Ankara; 103 pages.

The sixth of MimED Project Awards for Architecture Students, organized annually by Architecture Education Association, was held in 2007. The awards are given in four categories: “first year”, “second year”, “third year” and “fourth year”. In 2007, 291 projects participated in the competition and the projects that were awarded, were published as a book prepared in partnership with the Chamber of Architects and MimED. The second part of the book consists of  the projects that were not awarded, presented as a catalog.

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Project Awards for Architecture Students 2005

The exhibition, organized by the Association for Architectural Education, consists of projects that have made the final two rounds and the winners from the Student Project Competition-Mimed 2005. This exhibition catalogue will exhibit the projects that have made the final round and the awarded projects from Mimed 2005. This is the fourth year of the competition and the exhibition. The awards were given to architecture students from 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th years, who submitted their 2003-2004 spring and 2004-2005 fall term projects in the required format.

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Project Awards for Architecture Students 2016

Editor: Meltem Baslo, 2017, published in partnership with Chamber of Architects and MimED, Ankara.

The fifteenth of MimED Project Awards for Architecture Students, organized annually by Architecture Education Association, was held in 2016. The awards are given in four categories: “first year”, “second year”, “third year” and “fourth year”. In 2016, 469 projects participated in the competition and the projects that were awarded, were published as a book prepared in partnership with the Chamber of Architects and MimED.

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Project Awards for Architecture Students 2014

Editor: Meltem Baslo, 2015, published in partnership with Chamber of Architects and MimED, Ankara.

The thirteenth of MimED Project Awards for Architecture Students, organized annually by Architecture Education Association, was held in 2014. The awards are given in four categories: “first year”, “second year”, “third year” and “fourth year”. In 2014, 393 projects participated in the competition and the projects that were awarded, were published as a book prepared in partnership with the Chamber of Architects and MimED.

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Urban Hub Naples

2013, published in partnership with Istanbul Technical University and MimED.


This book presents “Urban Hub-Naples” Diploma Project conducted  in 2011-2012 Spring Semester, in partnership with Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Napoli Federico II University, Faculty of Architecture. The book brings together the aim, scope and the architectural program of the Diploma Project, documents related with the field trip to Naples, content of the given seminars, jury evaluations and student projects. The project brought together 25 students, 11 instructors from İTÜ, 2 lecturers and 2 young researchers from Napoli Federico II University. The project created an opportunity for students to develop and present their ideas on an international platform.

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Project Awards for Architecture Students 2012

Editor: Meltem Baslo, 2013, published in partnership with Chamber of Architects and MimED, Ankara.

The eleventh of MimED Project Awards for Architecture Students, organized annually by Architecture Education Association, was held in 2012. The awards are given in four categories: “first year”, “second year”, “third year” and “fourth year”. In 2012, 371 projects participated in the competition and the projects that were awarded, were published as a book prepared in partnership with the Chamber of Architects and MimED.


Danube Delta Advanced Research Center

2012, published in partnership with MimED and Istanbul Technical University.

[...] When designing a research center that will offer our students the opportunity to work in a different country, in a different context, and with international participants so that they can focus on environmental problems in a beautiful region, the unspoilt Danube Delta, it is necessary to think about how a sustainable Earth can be achieved and the ratio is, instead of destroying its natural and cultural environment, we encouraged it to make a positive contribution to the environment and thus set a good example for future generations by considering the public interest instead of individual interests...

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Project Awards for Architecture Students 2010

Editor: Meltem Baslo, 2011, published in partnership with Chamber of Architects and MimED, Ankara.

The ninth of MimED Project Awards for Architecture Students, organized annually by Architecture Education Association, was held in 2010. The awards are given in four categories: “first year”, “second year”, “third year” and “fourth year”. In 2010, 367 projects participated in the competition and the projects that were awarded, were published as a book prepared in partnership with the Chamber of Architects and MimED.

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Project Awards for Architecture Students 2008

Editors: Meltem Aksoy, Esra Gürbüz, Mehmet Emin Şalgamcıoğlu, Senem Kaymaz Koca, January 2009, published in partnership with Chamber of Architects and MimED, Ankara; 143 pages.

The seventh of MimED Project Awards for Architecture Students, organized annually by Architecture Education Association, was held in 2008. The awards are given in four categories: “first year”, “second year”, “third year” and “fourth year”. In 2008, 336 projects participated in the competition and the projects that were awarded, were published as a book prepared in partnership with the Chamber of Architects and MimED. The second part of the book consists of  the projects that were not awarded, presented as a catalog.


Project Awards for Architecture Students 2006

Editors: Zeynep Ataş, Meltem Aksoy, Pelin Dursun, Nurbin Paker Kahvecioğlu, November 2006, published in partnership with Chamber of Architects and MimED, Ankara.

The fifth of MimED Project Awards for Architecture Students, organized annually by Architecture Education Association, was held in 2006. The awards are given in four categories: “first year”, “second year”, “third year” and “fourth year”. In 2006, 225 projects participated in the competition and the projects that were awarded, were published as a book prepared in partnership with the Chamber of Architects and MimED. At the end of the book consists of  the projects that were not awarded, presented as a catalog.

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